We just got a Night Vision monocular and are going to try it out on the hike. Let's hope it works. Maybe we will see some deer, a coyote, or even a bigfoot... ;-)
Next week on February 7 we begin our Nature Preschool classes. The classes meet from 10-11am and the cost is $5(city resident) per child or $7(non-city resident) per child per class. Each week we have a different nature theme/topic that we learn about. We focus on being outdoors and hands-on learning. The class is for ages 3-5 and we ask that the parent stay for the class too. Program dates are as follows:
Feb 7, Feb 21, March 6, March 20, April 24, May 8, May 22.
See contact info above if you have other questions.
Both of these programs meet at the Environmental Education Center at West Point on the Eno Park. You can also register online for these programs at https://online.activenetwork.com/dprplaymore/Start/start.asp
You will have to set up an account which will take about 48 hours. Once you have your login information you can click register for programs, then click Environmental Education, and then look under programs.
See if you can guess where these two pictures came from. We are going to start this as a new game for 2012. All the pictures we use in the games will be from past programs. Send me a comment if you think you know the answer.