Looks like we are getting ready for a short, yet intense snow burst here in Durham, NC. The forecast is calling for 2-4 inches in a four hour window, so we shall see what happens.
Here is a map that I like

So since we are finally back to winter weather it is easier to think about one of our next programs we have. We will be running a winter tree identification program called Bare But Beautiful. This program will take place on Saturday, January 26, from 12pm-2pm at Indian Trails Park.
At this program we will learn different ways to identify trees during the winter, which of course means no leaves for most. Therefore we will rely on bark, buds, twig shape, tree shape, and other factors to identify the trees. We will also talk about some of the uses for the trees in the past. This program is a lot of fun and a great chance to walk through the woods and learn what is around you.
The program will meet at Indian Trails Park and you can register here: https://online.activenetwork.com/DPRPlayMore/Activities/ActivitiesCourseDetails.asp?cid=10916
The course number is 10164 and knowing that will make registration easier.
We are now asking everyone to preregister for our programs. You can also register for our programs at any of the DPR recreation centers and and main Parks and Recreation office.
See if you can identify some of these winter tree pictures and then come out and join us: