Spiders in Northgate Park

Hey Everyone,
Hope you are enjoying this warm fall weather.  There is no good excuse not to get outside at some point every day with this weather we are having. 

So this Saturday we will be leading a program at Northgate Park called Spider's Web.  We will talk about spiders, how they are different from insects, talk about some of their unique features, and then we will go out and look for spiders and their webs.  Not only are spiders interesting, but their webs are facinating to look at too.  Here are some we have seen recently.


Click on the bottom right picture and take a look at the abdomen...

The Spider's Web program runs from 10am-12pm.  We will meet at parking lot by the tennis courts.  From there we will walk along the greenway looking for our hairy legged friends. 

You must preregister for the program.  Cost is $6 (city resident). 
You can call me at 919-560-4405 (opt 6), email at christopher.shepard@durhamnc.gov  

or you can register online at https://online.activenetwork.com/dprplaymore/Start/Start.asp and enter the barcode 8359 into the search bar and it will take you right to the program.  All children must be registered with an adult.

We also have a Moonlight Paddle this Friday from 7-9pm at Lake Michie if you are interested in joining us, you can register the same way and we do have City boats available.  Cost is $6 (city residents) for that program and the barcode is 8379.  All children must be registered with an adult.

And for the multitudes of people that read this blog, become a follower of the blog. Make us feel good and you'll get notified when we put up new post.  Fun.