What an adventure we had Friday night at West Point on the Eno during our most recent Night Hike. We started the evening seeing a cluster of eyeshine high in a tree near the river. At first, we thought it was owl or perhaps some opossum, but as we got a better look, it turned out to be the cutest baby raccoons climbing around the branches. After seeing the raccoons, we decided to head across the bridge and explore the North side of the river.
The bridge seemed to be the hot spot for orb weaver spiders, who we found weaving away in preparation for their nightly catch. No matter how many times I come across an orb weaver's web, I am totally amazed at their giant works of art...they are so cool!
Continuing along the trail, there was no shortage of wildlife. We came across more spiders, a toad, and even a Northern Banded Water Snake. Judging by the bulge, we thought it was likely that she just finished gobbling down a fish.
Thank you to all the participants for joining me on the Night Hike, I look forward to the next one in December.