While most of us have noticed a white mushroom hanging out in our yard after a rain, we may not have realized that North Carolina is home to a diverse rainbow of fungi!

When walking through the forest at West Point on the Eno, it doesn’t take long to feel like you have suddenly stumbled into a scene from Alice in Wonderland!

If you are interested in learning more about local wild fungi, join us this Saturday, October 6th from 10-12 while we discover many of the different species of West Point on the Eno. We will spend time collecting specimens, observing various characteristics, and using field guides and keys to try to identify what we find. If you have your own field guide, please bring it along.
*For more information or to register, please contact Christopher Shepard*
(919)560-4405 option 6
To register online, use course id# 8385 https://online.activenetwork.com/dprplaymore/Start/start.asp