Fun at Hanging Rock State Park...

So the Environmental Education Unit said goodbye to 2011 with a trip to Hanging Rock State Park.  This is one of my favorite places to visit and this trip only reiforced those feelings.  The weather turned out to be winter like as it was chilly and that made for great hiking conditions.  Since I can tend to be forgetful about taking pictures and I didn't want to burden Karuna on her first trip with us I asked for a volunteer from our group and Abhi stepped up to the plate.  I must say I think that he took better pictures than I would and he definately took more.

Hiking up towards Moore's Wall
We voted at the ranger station on which hike to take and the concensus was do the Moore's Wall loop, so we went to the trail head.  This is my favorite hike in the park and there are so many beautiful things to see on the hike. 

Oh that mushroom looked beautiful, like something you would want to eat, thankfully no mushrooms were eaten on the trip.  It got accidentally knocked over while we were exploring so we picked it up to take a look.  Next picture is part of Moores Wall.  That is a big rock. 

We reached the top of Moores Wall and went up on the tower.  The views from up there are is also usually pretty windy up there.  The next picture you can see the view south towards Sauratown Mountain and beyond it is Pilot Mountain, another nice state park.  this is such a great area so close to many of the bigger cities in North Carolina. We ate lunch on the rocks below the tower to be out of the wind.  Great views of the NC and VA mountains.

Our final hike led us to Cascade Falls.  This is the largest waterfall in the park and maybe the nicest.  We had a great time exploring around the rocks and even had one person test out the water.  Cold was the verdict.  Another fun trip with a great group of kids.  Our next trips will be over spring break and you can check out the schedule on Environmental Education link on the side.  Hope to see you on program soon. 

Its 2012 and we've been missing from the blogosphere...

It has been too long since I updated the blog.  A lot has gone on in that time...Jessica is no longer working in Environmental Education (sad), but she is still with the city, she will just be focusing on Cultural History.  I have a new supervisor and a new co-worker.  My new co-worker's name is Karuna and at some point she will be posting on this site as well.  Even with all the changes there has been a lot going on, most fun of all was the trip to Hanging Rock State Park the last week of December. 

We also have been helping with the bridge project at Sandy Creek Park and here is a link to pictures of the completed bridge.  It looks so great and the work is amazing.  You can see the earlier pics in one of our past blog post

So I will end this post, but expect a flurry of action as we try and catch up.