So today while walking back to the office as started down the stairs I noticed something different. I stopped, thankfully, took a closer look and lo and behold it was a young Copperhead chilling out part way under the door frame of the park office door. This is a first, we have lots of 5 Lined Skinks running around and sometimes other small creatures by the door, but this is the first Copperhead. Here are some pictures.
Needless to say, I will be checking the park door a lot more carefully before I walk down. I did try to encourage the snake to leave the door frame and go over to the garden, but it wanted to stay in that hiddy-hole I guess. Well see how long the snake stays and hope it doesn't find it's way into the office.
So speaking earlier about the Mountain Explorations Trip. Here is a teaser from that post that will be coming out next week.
Yes we were chilling by the waterfall and the kids were throwing raisins at each other. There are a lot of beautiful places in North Carolina, but I must say Dupont State Forest was one of the best land purchases that the state of North Carolina has made. This is an incredibly beautiful area that would be off limits to the public and unprotected if it wasn't for some hard working individuals from up in that area and the State. Great work. We will post more about the trip next week and we'll talk about what we have coming up.
Hope you have had a great summer, fall is soon to come...