Teens in Nature this weekend...

This Saturday we will have our first Teens in Nature program.  We are really looking forward to the start of this new program.  The teens in the program will have a chance to gain some work experience with different environmental groups in the Durham area.  This program runs from January through May.  This weekend we are going to get to know each other and do some team building to help lead us into the future dates.  We are really excited about this, especially the fact that we reached a full group on our initial run of this program.  If you have any questions about this program, feel free to email us. 

Now the other exciting thing going on right now is the weather.  Sun and near normal temperatures for the next couple of days is great.  The winter has been nice and cold, but we live in the piedmont, we are supposed to get some breaks.  Get out and enjoy the nice weather.  Come take a hike out here at West Point on the Eno.  See you soon.


Moonlight Paddle Program at Lake Michie

On Friday, January 21st a group of 12 people canoed Lake Michie in 18 degree weather. All bundled up, we took to the water around 7:15pm and headed for the dam.

Here is a picture of the moon around 8pm. The sight of the huge moon rising over the lake was breath taking.

We pulled our boats out of water around 9pm only to find icicles formed inside the boat. It was a beautiful night.

Our next Moonlight Paddle program is on Friday, March 11 from 7-9pm. You must preregister for this program so give us a call soon (or email), because spots on city boats are already filling up.

919-471-1623, option 2 or christopher.shepard@durhamnc.gov

Beaver Fun!

This past weekend we had a really fun beaver program.  Thirteen hardy souls came out despite the cold and snow/ice still on the ground.  It was a beautiful day for exploring the forest in search of beaver activity.  One additional fun piece to the day was that Christine Nguyen from the Herald Sun was at the program taking pictures.  So if the pictures in this blog look especially nice you can thank the Herald Sun for the use of these. 

Despite only snowing 1 inch or so, this snowfall had lasted all week.  A testament to how cold it has been.  We hiked out to where there has been a fair amount of beaver activity over the past year and looked for signs of beaver.  I think that this was a pretty good sign...

This was one of many different trees that we found
that had been chewed up and taken down.  There wasn't
much to see in the river since the ice was solid all the way
accross.  We saw a lot and hopefully learned a lot too.

Weekend Fun

We have several programs this weekend so come out and join us.  Winter weather is what we want for winter programs! 
Our first program is Discovering Deer on Saturday the 8, from 10am-12pm.  What better way to see deer tracks than a little snow on the ground.  Let's hope for some good tracking weather. 

On Saturday the 8 we also will be doing a Bare But Beautiful program that teaches how to identify trees by their bark, twigs, and shape.  Both of these programs will meet at the Environmental Education Center at West Point on the Eno.  Just follow the blue and yellow signs once you enter the park.  You don't need to register for these programs so come on out.